Villiers hands over documents on '˜Hooded Men' case

Hooded menHooded men
Hooded men
The Secretary of State for NI has handed over all documents in relation to a case known as '˜The Hooded Men'.

SOS Teresa Villiers was given one week by a judge last week to hand over the documents linked to a case involving a group of men who claim they were tortured which interned more than 40 years ago.

Today the Secretary of State handed over all documents.

Last week lawyers for the Hooded Men threatened possible contempt proceedings over any further delays in the case,

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Mr Justice Maguire set a March 24 deadline (today) for Theresa Villiers to file an affidavit.

At last week’s court he said: “We have reached a position in this case where the limits of the court’s tolerance have been arrived at.”

The UK Government, police and the Department of Justice at Stormont are all facing a legal challenge over the failure to investigate torture claims.

The case involves 14 men arrested at the height of the Troubles and interned without trial back in 1971.

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