Speed bumps appeal forWaveney Avenue rejected

DESPITE a request from members of the council, it has been confirmed that speed ramps will not be introduced into the Waveney Avenue area of Ballymena.

At last Thursday’s meeting of the Public Sector Liaison Committee, councillors were informed that the Roads Service that it would not be included for consideration for traffic calming measures.

A letter to the council read: “A preliminary assessment of the area indicates that it would not score highly when considered against other sites already being considered for inclusion in our traffic calming programme.

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“Roads Service outlined that it came to this decision because the speeds are ‘relatively low’ and there have been no collisions involving personal injury the last five year period.”

They added: “The Layout of Waveney Avenue, Kinhilt Street and Clonavon Terrace is such that it consists of short straights with numerous junctions and because of the amount of on-street parking the speeds are relatively low.

“A check on the collision history indicates that there have been no collisions involving injury during the last five year period.”

Councillor Beth Adger said she was disappointed as she has been contacted by local residents about the area.

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