Records tumble at St Killian's sports day

SEVENS records tumbled in ideal weather conditions last Wednesday at the first St Killian's College Sports' Day at Garron Tower.

Four of the previous bests in the track events of St MacNissi’s College Sports’ Day were shattered by the boys.

Year 8 student Corey Beggs claimed a magnificent Michael Johnson double with new marks at both 200m (28.4) and 400m (1.07.53). Despite Corey also finishing in the top three in the Shot, another Year 8 student Aidan Murray bettered his haul, picking up three titles. Aidan set a new High Jump mark (1.42) and also won the Long Jump and 100m.

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Brendan Lynas was the record breaker in Year 9 with 1.04.05 in the 400m. Brendan also won the Long Jump, but finished in second place in the 100m behind Sean McCann who claimed the sprint double of 100m and 200m.

Ryan McIlroy set a new record of 25.05 in winning the 200m for Year 10 boys. Ryan also won the Discus, while the Long Jump / High Jump double went to Niall McCormick.

Liam Davies, a student based at the Larne campus, was the top points’ winner in Year 11, taking the 400m title and two seconds in 100m and 800m.

Roisin O’Kane and Andrea Mulvenna claimed new records in the Girls’ events. Risn threw 25.16m in the Discus and also won the 100m, 400m and Shot, while Emma Lismore completed the 800m and Long Jump double.

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