IRISH LEAGUE: O'Donnell relishing new challenge

Oran Kearney with Stephen O'Donnell.Oran Kearney with Stephen O'Donnell.
Oran Kearney with Stephen O'Donnell.
Coleraine's new signing, Stephen O'Donnell, is hoping to have as big an impact at The Showgrounds as Institute former team-mate Ciaron Harkin.

The centre back signed for the Bannsiders on Saturday along with left back Aaron Traynor and is relishing the challenge.

“Jackie (Ciaron Harkin) has been excellent since joining the club,” said the former ‘Stute captain.

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“They went on that great unbeaten run just after he signed and he played a big role in that. He has had nothing but fantastic things to say about the club.

“I just want to come in, get my head down and work hard and be as successful as Jackie.

“David Ogilby and Steven Douglas have been around the League for years, for me it will be a great learning experience to get in and play alongside them and learn from them.

“Obviously I will be out to compete and win a jersey to play every week and try and stay in the team.

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“I’m delighted to be here, it’s an honour to be joining such a big Irish League club.

“I’m really excited about the challenge which lies ahead.

“I saw a lot of the team last year, they did really well, I’m looking forward to joining up with them and kicking on this season.

“When I first spoke to Oran I was delighted Coleraine were interested in me.