Water babies make a splash in Lisburn

THEY may still be a bit wobbly on their feet, but more and more local babies now think nothing of going for a quick underwater swim.

Lisburn’s ‘Water Babies’ have been having swimming lessons at classes held in the Lagan Valley LeisurePlex, which began last year.

“We’ve been delighted by the enthusiastic response we’ve had,” said Amy West-Hurst, who started teaching Water Babies classes in the area last April. “The babies and parents absolutely love it and many say lessons are the highlight of their week. It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet other new parents – and teach your child a core life skill.

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“Having a photo like this is a unique memento. There’s very little that beats sitting underwater, watching your tiny child serenely glide towards you.”

Local mum Deborah, who attends classes with ten month old daughter Emily, said: “We wanted our little girl to have confidence and security in the water and not be fearful, and a friend recommended Water Babies to us. The lessons help reinforce the special bond between us – my husband and I take it in turns each week to go in the water. Emily loves the classes and doesn’t stop smiling throughout. She gets so excited as she is about to get in the water before each class.”

Anthea Crothers, whose 7 month old son also attends the classes, added: “Edan and I look forward to our Water Babies lesson every week, it’s half an hour of pure delight for both of us. Edan clearly loves it as he is so relaxed and happy in the water, and I just love watching him swim underwater and develop each week. Plus it’s a great way to bond with your baby.”

“Children lack the strength to swim on the surface until they reach three or four,” Amy continued. “However, when carefully supervised they can enjoy the sensation of moving their arms and legs underneath the water within days of birth. And it’s hardly surprising that they love it. After all, they have spent their first nine months surrounded by fluid. The youngest baby to join us was just two days old but the average is around six weeks. As soon as the mum feels ready, the babies are ready - and they don’t need to have had their immunisations first.”

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