Waitress offered £20 to show her breasts

A Dunmurry man who owns a Chinese restaurant offered a teenage waitress £20 to show him her breasts, a local court heard last Wednesday.

And Shu Chu Chen (38), who was convicted of two sexual assaults on the girl, tried to bribe her not to go to the police.

Chen, with an address at Kingsway, Dunmurry, was sentenced to immediate custody of three months in prison when he appeared at Craigavon Magistrates Court.

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Later in the court Chen’s barrister indicated that he wanted to appeal against the conviction.

He was released on his own bail of £750 with the conditions he has no contact with the injured party or other witnesses and that he resided at an address in Dungiven.

At a previous court he had pleaded not guilty to two charges that between May 1, 2014, and June 8, 2014, he intentionally touched the girl.

The contest was heard and Chen was convicted. The case was then adjourned until last Wednesday so that a pre-sentence report could be obtained.

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The court heard that on June 19, 2014, the injured party attended at Edward Street police station in Portadown claiming she had been treated inappropriately when she worked at his restaurant, the Golden Panda.

She claimed that after a few days working there he had added her on Facebook and then offered her £20 to show him her breasts.

She also alleged that he touched her arms and asked if she ever had sexual intercourse and if she was on any contraception.

The victim said she was working in the toilets when the defendant blocked her exit and again offered her £20 to show him her breasts.

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