Carla has youth on her side

AT the age of 27 Carla Lockhart is Craigavon’s youngest ever mayor.

In her coming year in office she hopes to use her youth, energy and enthusiasm to drive the borough forward.

Carla was controversially elected as mayor after Sinn Fein’s nominee Mairead O’Dowd topped the initial vote, with the borough solicitor called in to confirm a second vote could be taken.

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Reflecting on her election as mayor, Carla said: “Looking back on the process, ultimately what happened on the night of the election had happened three times previously where the lowest person was eliminated and a second vote was taken.

“I know legal advice was taken from the borough solicitor and the senior member officer at Belfast City Council.

“There is no law on it so custom and practice comes into place.”

As regards powersharing Carla said: “Our party have, over the years, taken a big step in terms of working with Sinn Fein.”

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Concerning power sharing on Craigavon Council she said: “The reasons were outlined by our group leader as to why we couldn’t support a Sinn Fein mayor.”

She added: “I’ve been elected as mayor for 2012/2013. It’s about moving onwards and upwards from here.

“We’re elected to serve rate payers and give best value for money. I’ll do all in my power as will the rest of council to ensure it’s spent in the best manner.”

Carla was born in Aughnacloy and developed an interest in politics from an early age.

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She said: “I’ve always had an interest in politics since I was knee high. My family would be quite involved in politics. My uncle ran for election many years ago and just missed out by a few votes.

“I’ve followed it very closely down through the years. I followed Dr Paisley and Peter Robinson.

“In fourth year I spent a week with Peter and Iris Robinson at their home. At that stage I shadowed them up to Stormont. I thought then that I’d love to be a politician.

“I was a member of the Young Democrats from I was probably 12 or 13. I’ve been treasurer of the DUP for many years.

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“I had really enjoyed getting involved with debates at school. I was always good at expressing my views.”

Carla did a business degree in Jordanstown and when she graduated she toyed with the idea of going into HR.

She said: “I was open to suggestion. I heard there was a position available with Lurgan MLA Stephen Moutray. I went there on a three month trial.

“In October of that year Councillor Fergie Dawson died very suddenly. I was selected by the DUP Association to be their co-option.

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“Whenever I first said I’ll let my name go forward I was told there would only be a couple of meetings a month. I soon learnt there’s much more to be a councillor than that. Whilst it’s a part time job, you could spend every waking hour at it.

“Apart from being elected as mayor, one of the most satisfying moments for me was when I went before the electorate and they ratified my position on council.”

Carla added: “My family are very proud and they’ve been a good support to me. They help me out where they can.”

Carla has an older sister and a younger brother, neither of whom are involved in politics. However, the three siblings do strike a mean tune and Carla regularly gets together with her brother and sister to form a Christian band known as The Lockharts. The trio are the star draw at many local churches.