McConaghy sentence to be reviewed by Attorney General

A WHEELCHAIR bound sex offender who escaped jail because he was deemed too fat is to have his sentence reviewed.

The Attorney General Baroness Scotland QC has referred the case of Dervock man John McConaghy to the Court of Appeal for consideration after concluding the sentence may be unduly lenient.

Former Sunday school teacher McConaghy - known locally as Jack - sexually abused a girl over a period of seven years.

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Back in December 30 stone McConaghy was handed a suspended prison sentence and fined 10,000.

Morbidly obese McConaghy of Urbal Road was given a two-and-a-half year custodial sentence - suspended for three years - and placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register indefinitely.

The judge - David Smyth QC - sparked outrage when he suspended the sentence due to McConaghy's "precarious" health.

Sixty-six-year-old McConaghy - a church elder at Ballycastle Gospel Hall - was convicted in October of all but one of 21 charges of indecently assaulting a now 44-year-old woman who also attended the hall with her family as a child.

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The victim - who cannot be named to protect her identity - was present in court for the sentencing and had to give evidence during the trial as McConaghy maintained his innocence throughout.

The assaults began in 1975 when the girl was just 11 and continued until 1982 when she rebelled against the attacks at the age of 18.

Mr Smyth said the assaults were made that much more serious as the victim was so young and the attacks so frequent.

They took place in the victim’s house, her shed or in McConaghy’s car, the court was told.

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Mr Smyth told McConaghy (pictured) he had abused the trust of the victim’s family.

"Both parents respected you," he said.

McConaghy was described in court as morbidly obese and was said to be obese at the time the sex attacks were carried out.

The court was told he also suffers from diabetes and poor circulation.

He was said to constantly suffer open lacerations to his legs and requires regular attention from home help and a district nurse.

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Mr Smyth said McConaghy’s health constituted "wholly exceptional circumstances" prior to handing down the sentence.

McConaghy did not give any reaction when sentenced.

McConaghy - who had been a Sunday school teacher for over 30 years - denied all charges against him throughout his trial.

During the 11 day trial the victim told the court that over the years "there was a better than even chance of being touched on my boobs or a hand put-up my skirt" by the church elder.

The woman said McConaghy’s abuse "mostly petered out" after she rebelled when she was aged 18 and she struck back at him, scratching his face as she fought him off.

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