Man who attacked pregnant girlfriend to be subject of violent offences order

A man who twice attacked his heavily pregnant girlfriend, which a judge previously said was like 'something out of a horror film,' has become the first person in Northern Ireland to be hit with an interim Violent Offences Prevention Order.

If breached it can lead to a jail term of up to five years. The Order was granted at Coleraine Magistrates Court on Friday where it was heard Gary Woods (26), whose address was previously given as Clarehill Park in Aghadowey, is due to get out of Magilligan Prison on Monday but could be released as early as today (Friday).

As well as attacking his pregnant partner, the father-of-five had previous convictions against former partners and a police officer told the court in Coleraine they felt the new VOPO - which only became available in Northern Ireland on December 1 - is needed to help protect the public.

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A full court hearing is due to be heard to get a full VOPO in place but on Friday District Judge Liam McNally agreed to the interim order after hearing the police officer say Woods is in their view a Category 3 risk - the highest - of re-offending.

The officer said there are currently only around five people in the community in Northern Ireland in the Category 3 bracket regarding domestic violence.

The court made an interim notification order which bans him from entering into any relationship with an adult female without verifiable disclosure as to the nature of his offending being made to that person by his Designated Risk Manager (DRM) and Social Services.

The interim order also prevents him from residing at an address without prior approval from his DRM or staying overnight at any other address or place without prior approval of the DRM and or Social Services.

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He is also now allowed to possess any mobile or sim card or device capable of accessing the internet, without registering that item with his DRM, and making that device available on request for inspection by a police officer.